What is the Global Exam Platform ?
This platform provides vocabulary & grammar training for external tests in English, Spanish, German, Italian and other languages.
The training includes revision sheets, corrected exercises and mock exams.
Via the platform you can independently improve your language skills and can train for tests.
What licences are available to me ?
In your first year of the Bachelor or PGE programme (BiM1, PGE1 or AST2), Rennes SB provides you with a licence to the Global Exam platform. At this time the licence is free of charge.
Your licence is activated at the start of the "Certificates" Pod in English class (but not before).
The licence is available for one year (only) whilst you are following English classes.
In your gap year or your final year of the Bachelor, PGE or Master programme (BiM3, PGE3 or M2) and in association with Global Exam, you are entitled to sign-up for a "Personal Licence" at a discounted rate compared to the public rate.
For more details (including tarifs and payment instructions) : "Personal Licence" for Global Exam : Request & Payment Details
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