Get the right information
To help you in your search for information, we have compiled below the main resources/links you may need to prepare your choices of partner universities as well as your stay in the host country.
Contacts of former and current exchange students
👉 Former students by destination 👈
Student contact lists are sorted by year of departure abroad. Then, in each list, you will find the first and last name of the student, their programme, and the university, country and semester of their exchange. Feel free to consult the students of your choice.
The most up-to-date list is updated throughout the year once new students have their exchange university for next year.
List of previous exchange places offers
👉 Former Exchange Places Offers 👈
Select your program, if applicable your exchange semester, and then click on Archives to see the former Places Offers.
Each year, the Exchange Places Offer lists the European and non-European partner universities available by programme, with the number of students accepted per university and the admission requirements per university.
While you wait for the one for your programme to be published, we invite you to consult the Places Offers from previous years to get an idea of the universities on offer and their admission requirements. It is also important to bear in mind that these Places Offers are subject to change from year to year.
More information about the partner universities
It is essential to find out about the universities you want to study at beforehand. Once you have consulted the old Places Offer for your programme or received your new Places Offer for your exchange next year, you have 2 options for finding out about the partner universities that interest you:
- Option 1: The web pages of our partners circled in yellow below (example from the Places Offer) are often a mine of information (academic calendar dates, exchange student courses, accommodation options, campus services, cost of living etc.).
For example:
- Option 2: 👉 Partner Universities Factsheets 👈 Factsheets are generic documents produced by our partner universities. You should refer to the Places Offer for your programme to find out which factsheet might be useful to you. Please note that the prerequisites may differ slightly between the factsheets and the Places Offer, in which case you should refer to the information in the Places Offer.
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