If your computer has a QWERTY keyboard and you want to type accents on some letters, you may have noticed that it cannot be done directly with the default settings of the keyboard.
Here are a few steps that will help you solve this issue.
Note : if your keyboard is already set as “English (United States)”, you can skip step 3) to step 5)
1. Click on the Start menu, and then the Settings icon
2. In the Settings, click on Time and Language
3. Click on Add a language
4. Select English (United States), and click on Next
5. Untick both boxes and click on Install
6. Under English (United States), click on Options
7. Add a keyboard, and select United States International
8. You can keep both input methods, or delete the English (United States)
Here are the most common letters with accents in French, and how to type them :
‘ + e = é
` + e = è
^ + e = ê
` + u = ù
^ + u = û
‘ + c = ç
` + a = à
“ + o = ö
“ + i = ï
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